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Research & Reports

Soleares Research, LLC is a market research and consulting firm servicing the annuity and life insurance businesses. We provide, through our website, periodic articles that cover important industry trends; we also offer clients phone or on-site consultations, executive briefings and presentations. We pride ourselves on first-class customer service and responsiveness to our clients. We aim to be an indispensable resource to the marketplace.

Update: Notable VA and Benefit Rate Sheet Changes in 2023

This is the final 2023 update to our spreadsheet containing two sections: one with contractual VA product changes, the other a rate sheet tracker, mostly covering changes to guaranteed lifetime withdrawal benefits (GLWBs)…

Our Wrap-up of Annuity Filing Activity and Thoughts on 2023 Sales

Normally each January we wrap up our coverage of product filings from the prior year and in this commentary we will do that, and also give some context on preliminary 2023 sales numbers from LIMRA...

Reviewing Variable Insurance Fund Filings from December, 2023

In December we saw a few new portfolio registrations – even a new variable trust – which will no doubt launch sometime this year. There was also a fairly good number of managerial changes and...

Thoughts on Current Challenges for the Annuity Business

We have to think most annuity insurers were optimistic as last year ended, as total sales were once again at record levels. Conditions proved near perfect for the industry, as rising interest rates and stock...

Random Notes From Annuity Product Filings of Late 2023

In this report we’ll cover an assortment of SEC filings, mostly containing changes to existing annuities, which came through towards the end of last year. Most had to do with registered index-linked annuities (RILAs), although...

Update: Variable Defined Outcome Portfolios

This spreadsheet updates our coverage of variable defined outcome portfolios through the third quarter of 2023; the number of portfolios declined compared to earlier in the year due to multiple closures by Milliman. At quarter’s...

The Year in Review: the Industry Sustained its Record Pace

It has been customary for us to devote our last commentary to an appraisal of the annuity business, as the year is drawing to a close, to help our readers start their process of evaluation...

Update: Variable ESG Portfolios

This spreadsheet contains our coverage of variable Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) portfolios through the third quarter of 2023; at quarter end we counted 28 portfolios in operation, which held $7 billion in assets…

Reviewing Variable Insurance Fund Filings from November, 2023

This commentary contains our customary coverage of variable fund filings from the prior month; in it we will also get caught up with trends in Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) portfolios, which have been growing...