Research & Reports
“Headwinds” – Market Doldrums Caused Problems for VA Issuers in 3Q11
Earnings season for stock-traded insurers we monitor regularly has concluded, and, for the most part, variable annuity sales for those companies fell, due to a combination of factors that have become familiar to anyone following...
“Trick or Treat” – a Bag Full of De-Risking, Fire Sales, and a Market Bounce
If we were to liken the variable annuity industry to a ship on the high seas, we’d have to say it has been tossed around by contrary winds of late. Choppy equity markets and low...
Update: Summaries of Contingent Annuity Products
This table updates our coverage of contingent annuity products filed with the SEC since they were first introduced to the industry…
Reviewing Variable Insurance Fund Filings from September, 2011
Last month we saw a nice batch of new variable insurance funds registered with the SEC, quite a few of them containing risk-levered components that we think were designed to be used in connection with...
Changing Minds – VA Insurers Cancel, Adjust, Postpone Products
By the looks of things, we are entering a period of de-risking around the variable annuity space, brought on by a variety of pressures, among them market volatility, low interest rates, and abrupt spikes in...
Evaluating Q3 – and How the Variable Annuity Industry Performed
Now that the third quarter has concluded, we’ve started estimating how the variable annuity industry might have fared over that time period. From what we’re hearing, it looks like troubling conditions in the financial markets...
More Thoughts on Prospects for the Industry, Given the Current Environment
We fully expect more product de-risking, and other changes and adjustments, to occur on the variable annuity scene over the last quarter of the year. However we also think the value proposition of the industry...
Reviewing Variable Insurance Fund Filings from August, 2011
As is our habit, we sifted through SEC filings related to variable insurance funds, and in August found numerous changes and adjustments to investment platforms, in particular there were plenty of mergers and liquidations, either...
The Latest VA Contract Designs – With Pricing, Options as Priorities
This week, we thought it would be a good time to check in on new variable annuity contract filings with the SEC, since we’ve seen a good number come through recently…