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Research & Reports

Soleares Research, LLC is a market research and consulting firm servicing the annuity and life insurance businesses. We provide, through our website, periodic articles that cover important industry trends; we also offer clients phone or on-site consultations, executive briefings and presentations. We pride ourselves on first-class customer service and responsiveness to our clients. We aim to be an indispensable resource to the marketplace.

VA Deposits, Net Flows in 2Q08 – A Few Bright Spots Amid Cloudy Skies

Now that Q2 earnings season has wrapped up for variable annuity insurers we usually cover, we saw that deposits and net flows of most of them dropped, however a few had increases. In this commentary...

VA Guaranteed Accumulation Benefits – More Popularity in the Offing?

In the variable annuity marketplace guaranteed living benefits have certainly proven their worth, although there are some types that have just not gotten as much acceptance as others for various reasons. Even so, it’s our...

New Coverage: Summaries of Selected VA Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefits

This table commences our coverage of variable annuity Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefits (GMABs) that we have identified as still being for sale, including several new ones that have launched recently…

Diverse Thoughts on Directions in the VA Industry, Topics to Keep Tabs On

Second-quarter earnings season for insurers is just getting underway and we’re quite curious to see how variable annuity sales and flows held up for the leading companies, given the many stressors – from without and...

Growing Assets and Escalating Income – GLWB Upgrades Keep Coming

We must confess we were a bit surprised by the increase in variable annuity living benefit filing activity that’s gone on lately. In recent weeks a fresh batch of riders has been registered with the...

Reviewing Variable Insurance Fund Filings from June, 2008

With this commentary we’re catching up again with our monthly reporting on variable insurance filings, in June we noticed more initial registrations than we were expecting, however we believe this activity reflects the fact that...

An Up-and-Coming Product Line – VAs for Defined Contribution Plans, Rollovers

As more Baby Boomers reach retirement age, financial services firms will be competing over who will manage the trillions of dollars these folks have socked away in their defined contribution (DC) plans. We anticipate a...

Summertime in the Variable Annuity Business – Not as Slow as You Think

Recently, in compiling information and data for our reports we’ve been sorting through many regulatory filings, and will continue to do so of course, but this week we’re going to pause a bit from those...

Under the Chassis – Updating our Research on New VA Contract Registrations

One of the many research activities we’ve taken upon ourselves is to monitor new variable annuity registrations, in order to be up on the latest industry priorities in terms of product development. We recently caught...